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52 Derb Jamaa<br />Dabachi Medina<br />Marrakech Marocco

+212 524 382057

+212 666 528696

+212 648 023824


From main square of Jemaa  el Fna it is approximately a 5 minutes walk.  When you arrive at the square ask around for directions to Café de France , which is located opposite the distinctive Kharbouche mosque. Keeping the Café on your right, exit the square and you will emerge onto the road called Derb Dabachi a busy road flaked with shops and cafes. Count three right turnings and take the third which will then put you on Derb Jamaa ( the road name is written on the turning wall), a narrow road with high buildings to either side . Continue down the road and follow it through to your left then straight ahead in less than a minute you will see a large wooden door that is facing you, Riad Yamina52. There is no sign outside but the number is large and visible. The doorbell is a white button on the left side of the entrance.

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